Monday, November 30, 2015

My thoughts while I run…

Friends who don’t run often ask me what goes through my mind during the long run. 

It’s hard to describe, as most runners know there is no rhyme or rhythm to what goes through your mind during those hours when you’re pounding the pavement.

The majority of the time, my thoughts can be amounted to one big cluster. It usually goes something like this:
  1. What a beautiful day for a run!
  2. Damn, it’s hot!
  3. This sucks.
  4. Well, 21 km is only ten and a half km each way, which is basically 10 km each way, so I’m really only running 20 km. That’s not too far.
  5. It’s starting to feel far.
  6. WATER!
  7. How long have I been running? A year?
  8. SIX MINUTES?! What de…!
  9. I can barely remember what my life was like before I started this run.
  10. OK, concentrate! There are still 12-plus km to go.
  11. But who counts the first and last km? This is an easy half marathon.
  12. Oh, shit! A fellow runner from the club!
  13. Should I wave?
  14. I’m totally gonna wave.
  15. OOOK, they didn’t wave back. Never do that again.
  16. Just keep running; no one saw. Except for that old guy who may or may not be averting his eyes.
  17. Man, I think I’m hitting that “second wind” thing people talk about.
  18. Wait, never mind. I’ve been running down a decline.
  19. If I leap to avoid dog shit, does that make me a CrossFit athlete?
  20. What the heck is CrossFit anyway?
  21. Mental reminder: Google CrossFit when I get home.
  22. If I ever get home.
  23. WATER!
  24. Aarrrgg! I hate this song.
  25. If I had a heart attack right now, I wonder who would find my body.
  26. OMG, I hope I never find a dead body. Runners always find dead bodies.
  27. Bodies. Body. Bod-ay. Runnin’ all day, no one can catch … may.
  28. OK, I must be halfway done by now.
  29. What?! Only 12km in?
  30. WATER!
  31. Alright, Lizette, stay focused. What am I going to eat when I get home?
  32. I’m running 21km, so I should probably eat five slices of pizza with wine.
  33. Or I could buy one pizza and ask them to cut it into five slices.
  34. I should get a side salad, too.
  35. ….
  36. F@*k the salad, actually.
  37. Man, what are these people doing in front of me? Walking?!
  38. Is this a contest to see who’s the worst at walking?
  39. If I pound my feet on the ground, they’ll hear me coming and let me pass.
  40. Oh, mother! They didn’t turn around, and now I’m right behind them. They will think they’re getting mugged by the world’s sweatiest criminal.
  41. You know what, ladies? Now is a good time to start to run in the street.
  42. *Jumps off curb*
  43. Hi, hi, hi, please don’t hit me with your car.
  44. Pedestrian pedestrianizing over here; let me cross.
  45. Thank you, Mr. Blue Honda. I’m trying to smile at you, but it probably looks like I’m having a stroke.
  46. Actually, I wonder what I look like right now.
  47. *Checks out the reflection in shop window * Yeesh.
  48. Is that what I look like when I run? What am I, a newborn deer with a drinking problem?
  49. Whatever, I must be almost done by now.
  50. Heck yes. Two to go. It’s all downhill from here.
  51. Except for that very real uphill in front of me. Dammit.
  52. Wait, is that… Is that…
  53. A DOG!
  54. Hi, doggie! You are so cute. You are now my mascot. I will finish this run for you, pup.
  55. I am exhausted.
  56. WATER!
  57. Honestly, I don’t even like running.
  58. Why do I even run?
  59. Why does anyone even run?
  60. Why are we even alive?
  61. OK, let’s not go down that road.
  62. Focus. Focus. F…F…F
  63. Wait, less than one km to go? I am KILLING this run.
  65. YES, including ostriches.
  66. Honestly, I should sign up for a marathon.
  67. What is it, like 42km?
  68. That’s just 20 km each way, which is practically 10, and 10 is twice five, and I can run five km EASY.
  69. That’s it, I’m doing it. 42km.
  70. Marathon…42 km marathon…. 4….2…
  71. On second thought….
  72. But I could probably do a marathon IF I wanted.
  73. OK, almost home. Should I shower first and drink wine? or rink wine and shower later?
  74. Yep, definitely drinking wine first.
  75. I guess running’s not so bad.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How running changed my life

When I started running, I had no idea how much it would affect my life. I started doing it to get in better shape, but it gave me so much more. Running gave me a purpose and a drive. There is no greater feeling than crossing the finish line of a race. You’re filled with adrenaline and such a sense of pride & accomplishment. 

That feeling is addictive, so after my first race, I signed up for another race and then another to continue chasing that feeling. While I was doing this, I never really stopped to think about the effects it was having on my life, but they are profound and go way beyond just the health benefits.

Happiness: I’m an introvert, so I recharge best with some alone time. Although I like to run with my running partners, we give each other space and time to think, which re-energises me. I don’t think I realized before how much this affects my mood. 

But now that I have this time to myself multiple times per week, my daily moodiness is gone. I can’t even begin to describe how different my attitude and outlook on life are. The change was subtle, and it took me a while to recognize it, but I am absolutely a happier person.

Self-Confidence: From as young as the age of 8, I felt ashamed of my body. I vividly remember a time in grade 3 when the girls were measuring to see how far their thighs were from the tops of the desks. My thighs were the closest, and from that point in my life on, I was aware of my body and didn’t feel comfortable.

I used to buy clothes that were too big to hide my body. I hated being in a bathing suit. I used to not even be comfortable with my husband. But ever since I started running and exercising regularly, that completely changed. I haven’t lost any weight; I just feel better about myself. Now, I’m proud of my body and its strength. I’m okay with others seeing it. It’s so empowering to feel free of body shame, and it motivates me to continue on my fitness journey.

Courage: “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start”. That quote is one of my favourites because I resonate entirely with it. I remember when my friend was training for her first half marathon. People asked me if I would run the 21.1km, too. I just laughed. Me? Never. I honestly didn’t think I was capable.

But through running, my confidence improved, and I got up the courage to sign up for my first half marathon. It was terrifying, and on the day of the race, I wanted to puke, but I got to the start, and I crushed my way to the finish.

New Friends: Before I joined Run Walk for Life in Rustenburg, I felt lonely. Being introverted and shy, I struggle to form new friendships, but running and blogging gave me common interests with people. I have met some of the most incredible people who have become great real-life friends to me now. We actually call ourselves "The Running Divas"

When I say exercise & running changed my life, I really mean it. I owe so, so much to running and the running community that I just want to shout from the rooftops: Thank You, RWFL!!!!

To Zwift or not to Zwift

Not too long ago, I logged into Strava and stumbled upon a striking comment beneath one of my recent rides: “It’s a stunning day outside. Wh...