Your failure to start is
your failure to finish.
I could end this blog here because it’s literally that
simple. However, what does failure to start actually mean?
Getting older has some
valuable benefits. One of the key benefits is the beauty of hindsight and
experience. Life is such an incredible teacher if you are awake enough to
really hear her teachings.
We often talk about great teachers, great motivators and their innovative ideas, but essentially, there is nothing new. Most things are absorbed and regurgitated with an
individual spin. What is the difference between these agitators for change and
those who feel stuck?
The change agents simply
started. Life kept dishing up the lessons, and they kept listening whilst
staying out of judgment, remaining awake in that process, and life did the
If you feel like you are
banging your head against the wall, you are not listening.
people think they are on their way to their goals because they are putting in a ton of effort.
You’ve heard all the memes: don’t quit, be the lion, chase your dreams, etc.
After you’ve
heard all the pumped-up rhetoric and you spin your wheels, “efforting to get
there”, it gets tiresome, loses its juice, feels empty, and apathy sets in. An empty shell is now chasing a shadow on the wall. The feeling of banging your
head against the wall is the analogy most would draw.
So the thing is, you don’t
need to jump on a plane and fly to the States to spend 6 days with Tony
Robbins, pumping yourself up. Not that there is anything wrong with that if it
gets you moving, but eventually, the motivation has to start burning inside you
again, as it once did, not outside of you. No one else can take responsibility
for your fire. You lit it; you have to keep it burning.
You need to follow the
threads back and find out where the fire ignited in the first place. What was
the feeling that took place in your body, gut and heart that set fire to this
Because in the feeling of banging your head against the wall, if you
look, if you really look, you’ll find out that you’ve lost contact with that
initial feeling and the fire has gone out.
If you really want
something to manifest, you have to get good at wanting it. You can’t want
something with thought; it’s not strong enough. Why? Because thinking is an
illusion. It takes you to a place where you imagine yourself successful; you
daydream about it. It’s the ego wanting to add more to itself. It’s not strong
enough motivation, and life knows it.
You have to stay in flow
with the goal. Be still, visualize it, feel it, taste it, and then start whilst
holding those things in place, and when things are toughest, connect to those
places even more.
Whenever you get kicked in the guts or slip backwards, ask yourself, “What is the lesson?”
Never give up? Sorry,
unless you stay in touch with your heart and the fire in your belly, you will
have to stop; you’ll have no choice. Because you can’t keep a fire burning by
pouring water on it. Once it’s gone out, you are wasting your time sitting in
front of it, thinking it will keep you warm.
What’s the point of all
this? 📌
“Stop banging your noggin
against the wall. It’s not about the goal; it never was!”.
When you look into the
initial feelings of the goal, you will see and feel it clearly.
It’s all about “YOU”! Your
fire, desire, heart, and soul.
If you read this and think, “Oh, this is more of that hippy-type rhetoric”, that’s fine. Go back to
sleep, but know you are returning to hitting your noggin against that wall.
When we were kids, we all
had dreams, and we gave them up to settle for reality. Reality is bland and
life is tough, three squares, a BBQ, a beer and a 9 – 5 job is what we do,
Bulls..t! It’s what we
settle for because we lose touch with our inner fires and talents. Life is
beautiful if you are happy where you are; by all means, enjoy it to the fullest
if you are not feeling a pull.
If, however, you are sitting on top of a powder keg and deep inside, it’s calling you out, or it has called you out, and it now feels flat because you feel you have failed, it’s because you never really started.
How do I start towards this
goal? ✔
Fill your space with your own essence. Not your thoughts, your essence.
Let that be the driver behind all you do, even if it seems risky. Go out on a
limb and do what your essence tells you to do; trust your gut.
When it goes
pear-shaped, pick yourself up, connect back to the essence, fan the flames of
your own desire, and pick up where you left off with the lessons you have
If the steps towards your
goals have been full of thought, judgment, and effort, you have failed to
indeed start your journey. The fire is smouldering; no wonder you are feeling
You cannot superimpose
yourself onto a goal. You cannot project yourself outwards to a goal; you have
to attain the goal as part of your own experience.
This is because you are the
one who will go through the goal if you do attain it.
Notice that
sentence; it’s going through you, not the other way around. There is no goal
without you. In fact, there are no goals at all without you. You are the common
dominator in everything.
It’s all coming from within
you; everything does. So why does life have you banging your head against the
Because it’s hoping one of those whacks will wake you up and make
you realize that there is only one.
There can only ever be one – You!