Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Unspoken Rules of Race Day Etiquette: A Playful Guide to Dos and Don'ts

Race day is a sacred event for runners. 

It's a time of triumph, tears, and occasionally tantrums. 

But amidst the chaos, there's an unspoken code of conduct that governs runners' behaviour. 

Welcome to the world of race day etiquette!


✨Arrive early, but not too early (we're talking coffee-fueled, not zombie-mode)

Wear your bib with pride (but not on your forehead, that's just weird)

High-five spectators (but not the ones with cowbells, they're just too loud)

Smile for the cameras (even if you're dying inside)

Thank the volunteers (they're the real MVPs)


🚫Line up in the wrong corral (don't be that guy)

🚫Wear headphones (you might miss the sound of your own personal record being shattered)

🚫Stop suddenly in front of someone (that's just rude)

🚫Take selfies at the start line (there's a time and place, folks)

🚫Complain about the weather (it's not like you're getting paid to do this)

Race day etiquette is all about respecting your fellow runners, the volunteers, and the sport itself. 

So, the next time you toe the line, remember: be kind and considerate, and for the love of all things running, don't wear those ridiculous compression socks. 

Happy racing!

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